Trunk of Life: Building a Practice for a Healthy Spine

Date: 8/6/20 3pm-5pm (EST. TIme) ∙ Location: zoom ∙ Cost: $20

Dive deep with Camille (Yogi, Personal Trainer, Holistic Coach) into understanding how to keep your Spine healthy.

This workshop will review different teachings of the Spine and help you create a unique practice for your TRUNK OF LIFE, no matter your age, the condition you are in (fit,pain in the back, pregnant, sedentary), or your experience with a fitness practice.

  • Learn basic anatomy, biomechanics, and postural patterns that contribute to pain and dysfunction in the spine.

  • Be guided through different exercises, stretches, myofascial teachings, and breathing techniques to ease tension, improve mobility and create healthy stability in your entire body.

The workshop will be broken up into 3 distinct sections:

  1. Reach & Receive: The upper spine

  2. Lengthen& Twist: The mid spine

  3. Support & Creation: The lower spine

In each section we will review the anatomy, biomechanics, postures, and movements that impact this area of the spine. Camille will teach you exercises, stretches, and different holistic practices to care for your spine and help you develop your own unique practice for a healthy spine and healthy Life.

There will be an abundance of information that Camille shares, both from her many years of study, and almost 20 years of working as a fitness practitioner in movement. Post workshop, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by the information, but with a practice you will feel the teachings start to take form in the months following the course.

To register for the class, email us for the zoom link, and payment information.

Guide: Camille Eroy-Reveles MPH